
Back Squat
Climbing sets

8 min AMRAP
Front squats

RX 95/65 Elite 135/95
*at the top of each minute and at the start of the WOD complete 10 pushups.

Score is total front squats

“At-home version”
Odd object goblet squat

8 min AMRAP
Odd object goblet squat
*at the top of each minute and at the start of the WOD complete 10 pushups.

Score is total odd object squats

If you didn’t see the email we sent out, here it is!

We have decided to reopen CFO on Monday 5/4! We have missed all of you terribly!

We are going to offer the same schedule we have always had. We will be making a few new changes to protect the health and safety of our CFO family:

If you are sick, please stay home!

We will maintain the 6ft distancing with other members.

For those of you that can make other arrangements for your kids we ask that you not bring them in this early stage of reopening. (We realize that some of you don’t have other options, and we’ll have to make a few exceptions.)

We will have multiple bleach spray bottles. We are suggesting that each of you bring your own rag. (We will have towels if you forget). We are going to ask everyone to wipe down there equipment before and after their workout.

We will be disinfecting the floor multiple times a week. We’ve also purchased a commercial cleaner that we will be spraying a mist/fog on the equipment throughout the day.

Lastly, we just want to thank everyone for their generosity and support throughout this time! We have an even greater appreciation for each and everyone of you than we did before!

Love all of you guys!

Josh & Mendy

64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat