Partner WOD: Teams of 2 or 3: 21 minutes 100 Push-ups 100 Power Cleans 115/80 75 Shoulder to overhead 115/80 75 TTB 50 Burpees 50 Box Overs 24/20 **get as far as possible with your team. If you complete all reps before 21 minutes, this WOD...
Benchmark WOD: “Brenton” 5 RFT 100 foot Bear Crawl 100 foot Standing Broad-Jumps Perform 3 Burpees after every 5 Broad-Jumps *If you’ve got a twenty pound vest or body armor, wear it.
Strength: Deadlift – Build to Heavy 3 WOD: 2 Min AMRAP: KB Swings 53/35 2 Min Rest 1 Min AMRAP: KB Swings 53/35 1 Min Rest 1 Min AMRAP: KB Swings 53/35 1 Min Rest ….. WOD ends when you complete 150 KB Swings.
Strength: Snatch Complex – Build to HS High Hang Snatch + OHS + Low Hang Snatch WOD: 10-8-6-4-2 Full Snatch (115/80) 30 Double unders after every set of snatches.