
Strength: Snatch 3@70%, 2@75%,1@80%, 1@85%,1@80%,1@75% WOD: 21 power snatches 95/65 21 burpees over the bar 15 ohs 95/65 15 burpees over the bar 9 squat snatches 95/65 9 burpee over the bar

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Strength: Strict press 3×5@65% 5@75% 5@80% WOD: 5 rds 30 seconds thruster 95/65 30 seconds rest 30 seconds lateral burpee over bar 30 seconds rest 30 seconds kettlebell swings 53/35 30 seconds rest

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Strength: 1 1/4 front squats 4×5 WOD: 9 thrusters 95/65 9 toes to bar 50 mountain climbers 18 thrusters 95/65 18 toes to bar 50 mountain climbers 9 thrusters 95/65 9 toes to bar

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat