Brandon’s WOD

Pre WOD Strict press 5 x 5 WOD 15 min AMRAP 10 power cleans 115/85 5 shoulders to overhead 115/85 200 m run Post WOD Coach’s choice Good Luck and stay safe Brandon

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Pre WOD Back squat 5 x 5 WOD 5 rnds for time 200 m shuttle 15 hand release push ups 15 kb swings 1.5 pood/ 1 pood Post WOD Coach’s delight

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Tabata This

Pre WOD EMOM for 8 min 1 power clean + 1 hang clean + 1 Jerk AHAP . Raise weights as needed WOD Tabatas Wall ball Push press 75/55 Cal row Post WOD Coaches special

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Pre WOD Over head squat 5 x 3 WOD ” Randy ” 75 pound power snatch, 75 reps for time Randy Simmons, 51, a 27 year LAPD veteran and SWAT team member was killed February 6 in the line of duty. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Officer...

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EMOM for 12 min

Pre WOD Squat cleans 5 x 3 AHAP WOD Every minute on the minute complete 4 power cleans 135/95 For the remainder of the minute do singles Score equals total singles completed Post WOD Handstand pushups HSPU

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Pre WOD 8 sets of 1 strict press + 2 push press WOD 5 min AMRAP 10 jumping squats 10 kb swings 53/35 Rest 90 sec 5 min AMRAP 10 sit ups 10 box jumps 24/20 Post WOD To be determined

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat