
Partner WOD 8 minutes Run the circle In remaining time AMRAP Squat snatches 95/65rx, 135/95E Rest 4 min 8 minutes Run the circle In remaining time AMRAP squat cleans 135/95rx, 165/115E *both partners must run the loop, reps begin when both...

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Find a heavy power clean WOD :30 kb swings 53/35 :30 sit ups :30 rest 1:00 kb swings 1:00 sit-ups 1:00 rest 1:30 kb swings 53:35 1:30 sit-ups 1:30 rest 2:00 kb swings 53/35 2:00 sit-ups

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat