
We are testing out 2 workouts from the upcoming “Barbell Battle”
“Floater WOD”

3 min for both partners to establish a max in the following complex:

2 hang cleans + 1 shoulder to overhead

“WOD 3”

Buy in 100 DUs (rx), 150 singles (scaled)

6 rounds

12 deadlift 155/105 rx, 125/75 scaled

9 hang cleans

6 shoulder to overhead

Cash out: 100 DUs (rx), 150 singles (scaled)

*at the comp this will have a 10 min time cap. However, we will complete all reps for today’s workout, even if you go over 10 minutes.

64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat