Pre WOD For 20 min work on push jerk and split jerk technique . WOD AMRAP 12 10 push press 95/65 8 jumping lunges 6 pull ups Post WOD Practice handstands

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Pre WOD Take 15 min to work on a skill such as double unders , muscle ups , HSPUs WOD “Gator” Eight rounds for time of: 185 pound Front squat, 5 reps 26 Ring push-ups U.S. Army Specialist Christopher “Gator” Gathercole...

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Slam It Home

Pre WOD Strict press 4 x 8 Strict chin ups 4 x 10 WOD 6 rounds for total reps 1 minute push press 135/85 1 minute slammers 30/20 Post WOD 75 heel 2 heel sit ups

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Don’t Let Go

Pre WOD Take 20min to find a 2 rep thruster max. WOD For 8 minutes do as many thrusters as possible. Each time the bar touches the Floor there is a 5 burpee penalty. Your score equals total thrusters completed. Post WOD Plank holds

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat