Throw Drown With Farmington

All crossfit Ofallon members are invited to join us at 9am to workout and compete against Parkland crossfit . Like all other crossfit workouts, scaling the workout will be allowed and encouraged .The main purpose of the event is to have fun and...

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Partner Reggata

PreWOD Work on a 1 rep max for bench press. Then max rep at 75% of determined wt. WOD Partner row each partner must complete the following calorie row 50-40-30-20-10 PostWOD To be determined

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Pre WOD Take 20 minutes to find a one rep max for a front squat WOD 15 min. AMRAP 5 thrusters 95/65 10 H.R. Push ups 15 jumping squats Post WOD To be determined

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Gone in 40 Seconds

Pre WOD Deadlifts 3 x 3 WOD 3 rounds for total reps of 40 sec dumb bell snatch 35/25 rest 20 sec 40 sec pull ups rest 20 sec 40 sec kb swings ( American) 1.5 / 1 pood rest 20 sec 40 sec mountain climbers rest 20 sec Post WOD Mobility

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Tabata This

Pre WOD Power Clean max reps in 10min. Use 75% of 1RM No resting on the floor, must rest in the rack position WOD Tabatas 8 rounds per exercise of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Wall ball Ground 2 overhead 95/65 H R push ups...

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat