5 max effort sets of your strongest variation of handstands Handstand walks, hspu’s, handstand holds, etc *if you are unable to be inverted, complete 5 sets of Z presses. WOD All levels 10 min Amrap 20 Mountain climbers 20 Sit-ups
Front squat Find a heavy set of 3 then back the weight off for a set of 10 WOD Competitor/fitness 6 rounds for time 9 clean and jerks 115/75 9 burpee box jumps 24/20 45 DUs Lifestyle 6 rounds for time 9 clean and jerks 95/65 9 burpee box jumps...
Deadlift 3-3-3-2-2-2 WOD Competitor 15-12-9 Muscle ups *after each set complete a 50’ walking lunge with KB 70/53 Fitness 15-12-9 Chest to bar pullups *after each set complete a 50’ walking lunge with KB 53/35 Lifestyle 15-12-9 Ring rows or...
Pause clean and jerk 2-2-2-1-1-1 *:03 pause in the receiving position of each clean WOD Competitor 7 rounds 3 power cleans 225/155 15/13 cal ski, bike, or row Fitness 7 rounds 3 power cleans 155/105 15/13 cal ski, bike, or row Lifestyle 7 rounds...
Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 WOD Competitor 20 thrusters 115/75 40/32 cal bike or row 20 thrusters 115/75 Fitness 20 thrusters 95/65 40/32 cal bike or row 20 thrusters 95/65 Lifestyle 20 thrusters 75/55 40/32 cal bike or row 20 thrusters 75/55