
This week’s holiday schedule:

12/23 normal hours

12/24 7,8,9am only

12/25 closed

12/26 7,8,9am only

12/27 normal hours

12/28 normal hours

Pause Back Squats

5×3 (3 second pause in the bottom)


12 minutes

Buy in 800m run

In remaining time

Complete as many of the following exercises as you can.

Pull-ups – 1pt

Power cleans 115/80 1pt

Front squats 115/80 – 2pts

Pistols 2pts

Muscle ups – 5pts

You can work in any order, choose any exercise combination. Try to score as many points as possible.

64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat