
Strength: Athletes Choice (Back Squat or Front Squat) 1RM WOD: Run 400m 20 front squats Run 400m 15 front squats Run 400m 5 front squats RX 95/65, E 135/95

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Strength: 13 Minute Clean EMOM Waves: 6:00 EMOM – Low Hang Power Clean(Build by Feel) 1:00 Rest/Strip Weight to 40-50% 6:00 EMOM – High Hang Full Clean (Build by Feel) WOD: 3×3 minute rounds 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-….. Power...

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Strength: Bench Press 5@65-75%, 3@75-85%, 1@85-95% WOD: 5 rounds for reps of: 1 minute of box jumps, 24/20 1 minute push press 95/65 1 minute rest

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Strength: Bench Press 5@65-75%, 3@75-85%, 1@85-95% WOD: 5 rounds for reps of: 1 minute of box jumps, 24/20 1 minute push press 95/65 1 minute rest

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Hero WOD “Hall” 5 Rounds for Time 3 Cleans (225/155 lb) 200 meter Sprint 20 Kettlebell Snatches (1.5/1 pood) (10 each arm) 2 minutes Rest Or Hero WOD “Daniel” For Time 50 Pull-Ups 400 meter Run 21 Thrusters (95/65 lb) 800 meter Run 21 Thrusters...

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Strength: 13 Minute Snatch EMOM Waves: 6:00 EMOM – Low Hang Power Snatch (Build by Feel) 1:00 Rest/Strip Weight to 40-50% 6:00 EMOM – High Hang Full Snatch (Build by Feel) WOD: WOD 1000m row 75 DU’s 25 power snatches 115/75 Elite go...

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Partner WOD: WOD 1 5 Min Find 1RM Hang Clean Rest 4 min WOD 2: High Five AMRAP 15 minutes: 8 Power Cleans 8 Jerks 10 High Five Push Ups HOW: Partner A completes 8 power cleans then Partner B completes 8 power cleans Partner A completes 8 jerks...

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Strength: Shoulder to Overhead/Thruster Complex: Build by feel – 1 Push Press + 1 Thruster Benchmark WOD: “Jay” AMRAP in 20 minutes 22 Air Squats 12 Toes-to-Bar 9 Burpees If you have a weight vest, wear it (20/14 lb)

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Strength: Athletes Choice (Back Squat or Front Squat) 3@60-70%, 3@70-80%, 3@80-90% WOD: 4 RFT 1 Min Wallballs 20/14 1 Min Pull-Ups 1 Min Rest

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat