
4 max sets of strict HSPUs, HSPUs, handstand holds, or z presses WOD3 rounds1 minute pull-ups1 minute rest1 minute kb swings 53/351 minute rest1 minute air squats1 minute rest1 minute burpees1 minute rest Elite: replace pull-ups with muscle ups...

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Box Jump3-3-3-3-3Build to a tall set of 3 box jumps WOD5 rounds for time of:12 hang power clean and jerks9 thrusters6 power snatches♀ 75 lb. ♂ 115 lb.

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Tempo Deadlifts2-2-2TempoEccentric (descent): 7 secondsPause (bottom): 1 secondConcentric (ascend): 7 secondsPause (top): 1 second ThenDeadlift2-2-2 climbing WOD“Iron Patriot”50 strict press 95/65Each break, stop and do 25 sit ups

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16 min amrap12 kb swings12 toes to bar12 ground to overhead 95/6512 bar facing burpees Rest 2 min 5 min AMRAP135/95 clean and jerk *you can scale the clean and jerk weight down or up!

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OHS3×3 Hero WOD“Jenny”AMRAP in 20 minutes20 Overhead Squats (45/35 lb bar)20 Back Squats (45/35 lb bar)400 meter Run

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12 min EOMOMPower snatch + 2 hang power snatches WOD 10 minAs many hang power snatches as possible 95/65*at the top of each minute and at the start of the wod complete a :30 second plank.

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Work it Wednesday 6 min amrap 10 Deadlifts 135/95 10 box jumps or step ups 24/20 Rest 3 min 6 min amrap 10 Med ball Squat jumps 20/14 10 Push-ups Rest 3 min 6 min amrap 10 kb swings 53/35 10 Lunges 53/35 (hold kb anyway you like, front rack...

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EOMOM – 10 min1 set of3 position power clean (hip,knee,floor) WOD10-8-6-4-2 Power Clean2-4-6-8-10 HSPURX 165/115 Kipping hspu’sElite 185/125 strict hspu’sMasters RX 135/95 kipping hspu’s

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Back Squat5×2*6 second hold in the bottom position WOD3 rounds20 front squats 115/807 chest to bar pull-ups Elite :20 front squats 185/1257 muscle ups(This was Saturday’s mainsite workout)

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28 min AMRAP50 calorie bike or row50 toes to bar50 power cleans 115/80 95/6550 shoulder to overhead 115/80 95/6550 box jumps or step ups 24/20 *partner A works for 0-1:00, while B restsPartner B works 1:00-2:00, while A rests….

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“Juneteenth”6 rounds19 wallballs 20/1418 KB swings 53/3565 mountain climbers (each step counts as a rep) Today we will take on our first annual Juneteenth WOD. You might be thinking, “What is Juneteenth?”. Juneteenth is an American holiday...

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat