
  Strength: Front Squat – HS Wod: 15 minutes (as far as you can go) 3 muscle ups (rings or bar) 10 kb swings 53/35 3 muscle ups 15 kb swings 3 muscle ups 20 kb swings 3 muscle ups 25 kb swings 3 muscle ups … *you may scale the muscle...

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Partner WOD: 20 MIN AMRAP Teams of 3 or 2 20 Cal Row 15 SDHP 95/65 10 Box Jumps 24/20 *follow the leader style. Partner A completes the row then moves onto sdhp, while partner B starts row…etc

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“9/11 Tribute”

Benchmark WOD: “9/11 Tribute” For Time: 2001 Meter Row or Run 11 Box Jumps 30/24 11 Thrusters 125/85 11 Burpee Chest To Bar Pullups 11 Power Cleans 170/120 11 HSPU 11 KB Swings 70/53 11 T2B 11 Deadlifts 170/120 11 Push Jerks 110/75...

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Strength: Snatch Complex – Build to HS Power Snatch + Low Hang + 2 OHS WOD: 12 MIN AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-… OHS (RX 95/65, Elite 135/95) *After each round of OHS, run 200m

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Strength: Front Squat – Build to Heavy 2 WOD: 4 RFT Row/Bike/Erg 25 Cals 20 Med Ball Sit Ups 15 HR Push Ups *rest 1 min after each round

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Partner WOD: 5 RFT: 400m Bumper Carry (25/15lbs) 15 Synchronized Burpees to Plate 36 KB Swings The run is with your partner, the kb swings may be divided anyway with partner.

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Strength: Snatch Complex – Build to HS Power Snatch + High Hang + 2 OHS WOD: 10 MIN AMRAP 3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-… Power snatch 95/65 *After each round of power snatches, complete 25 DUs

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Thursday Strength: Turkish Get Up (10 each side) WOD: 50 Air Squats 40 Sit ups 30 Push Ups 20 burpees 10 wall walks Elite: 50 pistols instead of air squats,50’ handstand walk instead of 10 wall walks

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Strength: Clean Complex – Build to HS Power Clean + High Hang + 2 Jerks WOD: 5 minutes as many C&Js as possible.  *There is no rx weight for this wod. You choose the weight and your score is your total pounds lifted.

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat