Learn to Crawl

10 x 2 weighted strict pull-ups
1 x maximum effort weighted strict pull-ups
Partner WOD
For time:

150 KB Swings (53/35)

75 Overhead Squats (95/65)

Buy out: 400 ft Bear Crawl

Partner 1 starts the KB Swings. While partner 1 is accumulating reps of the KB Swing, partner 2 must do a 400 M row. When partner 2 is finished they will switch places and partner 1 will row while partner 2 continues accumulating reps of the swings. This will continue until the team has completed a total of 1 mile or 1600 meters and at that time both partners can finish the remaining reps with one partner working and one partner resting. Once all reps are completed, then both partners will move to the bear crawl where only one partner can crawl at any given time. Time is up when the 400 ft crawl is completed.

How could this athlete improve his swing? Post your answer to the comment section of this web-page.

64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat