Howdy Partner

Push jerk 5 x 2 AHAP
Partner WOD
A. 30 Thruster (65#/95#)
B. Rack hold
A. 30 Knees-2-elbow
B. Pull up hang
A. 30 KB ground to overhead 53/35
B. Isometric squat hold
A. 30 Pike sit ups
B. Superman hold
A.30 Box jumps 24/20
B. Plank hold
Both partners work at the same time. One partner does “A” while the other partner does “B” . When both partners are complete with all the “A”‘s or “B”s they switch and complete the other letters sets of exercises .When one partner rests the other partner must rest.


64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat