Double Unders

Pre WOD Front Squat 3 x 3 WOD Thruster double under ladder for time 10 thrusters 135/ 95 50 DUs 8 thrusters 40 DUs 6 thrusters 30 DUs 4 thrusters 20 DUs 2 thrusters 10 DUs Post WOD Couch and calf/Achilles stretch

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Bear Attack

Pre WOD 3 rounds 10 pull ups 25 sit ups rest 30s between rds WOD 400m run 9 bear complexes ( 115/75 ) 200m run 7 bear complexes 100m run 5 bear complexes * each time the bar is dropped during a bear complex one 20 m bear crawl must be completed...

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Climb Every Mountain

Pre WOD Strict press 3 x 3 WOD 40 mountain climbers ( L,R = 1) 5 HSPU 30 mountain climbers 10 HSPU 20 mountain climbers 15 HSPU 10 mountain climbers 20 HSPU Post WOD 1000m row at 75- 85% of max.

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Pre WOD Find a 1 rep max for a power snatch WOD 3 rds for time 15 ring dips 20 db snatches ( 10 per arm ) 35/25 30 barbell on back jump squats Post WOD Chest and shoulder mobility

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Squatters Rights

Pre WOD Back Squats 3 x 3 WOD Cash in: 800 meter run/row Then 7 rounds of 7 pull ups and 14 squats Cash out: 800 meter run/row Post WOD Tabata combo Push ups and sit ups rotated over 8 rds

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“Hope” Three rounds of: Burpees 75 pound Power snatch Box jump, 24″ box 75 pound Thruster Chest to bar Pull-ups “Hope” has the same format as Fight Gone Bad. In this workout you move from each of five stations after...

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Clean and Jerk

Pre WOD Power Clean and Jerk 5 x 3 WOD 5 rounds for time : 250 meter row 9 hang squat cleans 115/75 6 push jerks Rest 2 min and repeat Post WOD Couch Stretch

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Waiter Walk

Pre WOD 30 Second Flexed Arm Hang.Rest 30 Seconds , Then Max Effort Pullups For 30 sec. 30 sec Plank Hold, Rest 30 sec. Than Max. Effort Push ups for 30sec. WOD 4 Rounds for Time of 50m Right Arm Waiter walk ( 1.5 pood/1 pood ) . Then 50m Left...

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Weighted Lunges

Pre WOD Work on Mobility Low Bar Back Squat 3 X 5 WOD 21-15-9 Weighted overhead Walking Lunges 45/25 ( Left and Right Lunge = 1 ) Burpees Knees to Elbows Post WOD Run or Row 800 m

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat