
Partner WOD 5 min AMRAP 10/8 cal bike or row 10 box jumps 24/20 2 min rest 5 min AMRAP 10/8 cal bike or row 10 burpees 2 min rest 5 min AMRAP 10/8 cal row 10 burpee box jump 24/20

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1 pause clean + 1 push jerk + 1 split jerk 1-1-1-1-1 WOD Competitor 5 rounds 10 ohs 135/95 15 toes to bar 200 m run or 15 cal bike or row Fitness 5 rounds 10 ohs 95/65 10 toes to bar 200 m run or 15 cal bike or row Lifestyle 5 rounds 10

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Strict Press 5-5-5-3-3-3 WOD All levels “Rowling” 10 x 100meter row *This WOD has no time component. The goal is to make your rower stop right at 100m. For every meter over or under 100m mark a penalty. For example if your rower stops at 105 your...

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Deadlift 5-5-5-3-3-3 WOD Competitor 21-15-9 Cal bike or row 15-10-5 Strict pullups *you can sub cals with 400,200,100m run Fitness 21-15-9 Cal bike or row 15-10-5 Kipping pullups Lifestyle 21-15-9 Cal bike or row 15-10-5 Jumping pullups

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Pause snatch 1-1-1-1–1 3 second pause in the catch position WOD Competitor/fitness 50 box step ups 24/20 50 hand release pushups 200 double unders 50 box jump overs 24/20 50 pullups Lifestyle 50 box step ups 24/20 50 hand release pushups 100...

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Weightlifting Competitor 10 Clean and jerk on the 2 minute Round 1: 135/95 Rest 1 minute Round 2: 155/105 Rest 1 minute Round 3: 185/125 Rest 1 minute Round 4: 205/145 Rest 1 minute Round 5: 225/155 Rest 1 minute Round 6: 245/165...

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Partner WOD 5 rounds each of: Partner A: 5 strict pullups 100m shuttle (50m and back) 5 strict pullups Partner B: AMRAP 5 OHS 95/65 10 sit-ups While A completes pullups and running B works until A finishes second set of pullups  

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Clean and jerk 3-3-3-2-2-2 WOD Competitor 5 rounds 20 db snatches 70/50 20 burpees Fitness 5 rounds 20 db snatches 50/35 20 burpees Lifestyle 5 rounds 15 db snatches 35/20 15 burpees  

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Strength Turkish Get-ups 10 each side – choose a challenging weight WOD 4 rounds All levels Accumulate a 1 minute plank 20 ball slams 30/20/10 20 sit-ups Rest 90 seconds

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Front Squat 4-12 Find a heavy set of 4 then back off and find a heavy set of 12 WOD Competitor 6 rounds 6 hang power cleans 115/75 6 push press 115/75 6 alternating reverse lunges 115/75 12 calorie bike, row, or ski Fitness 6 rounds 6 hang power...

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Split jerk technique work 15 minutes focus on perfect positioning WOD Competitor/Fitness Run 1600m Rest 4 minutes Run 1200m Rest 3 minutes Run 800m Rest 2 minutes Run 400m Lifestyle Same distances and rests but with a row or ski

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Pause snatch 3-3-3-2-2-2 *3 second pause in the catch position WOD Competitor/fitness 50-35-20 Wallballs 20/14 Pullups Lifestyle 50-35-20 Wallballs 14/10 Ring rows or jumping pullups

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64 N Central Dr, O'Fallon, MO 63366
(636) 544-1542
Open hours
Mon - Sat